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When we work with people

then the basic idea also applies here to pick them up where they are !!!

A workshop and our work with children and young people could look like this and consist of both theoretical and, of course, practical elements. In the theoretical part, we try to briefly bring the participants closer to the era of hip-hop with its four pillars, until we then turn to the pillar of graffiti and explain it in more detail. In the practical part, I will show the participants what to watch out for before and while spraying. Then all volunteers and those curious about knowledge can try their hand at using a spray can. Such a project can also be practically accompanied by the participants through to completion or also followed as an observer. We always make that dependent on the client. Of course, everything can be adapted to your needs in consultation.

The core themes of the graffiti are either discussed in advance with the client or worked out together with the participants in a practical part.

Pedagogical methods such as participation, holism, inclusion and cooperative learning are part of our work with children and young people. Each workshop is discussed in advance with the client and our team in terms of the specific process in order to achieve a satisfactory result for everyone.

Traditionally, we make an exciting quiz for children and teenagers after our workshop. All about hip-hop and graffiti, of course. All participants have the chance to bag a cool prize on site. We do our best to offer the children and young people an unforgettable experience with a lasting work of art.

´cause we love hip-hop !!!!

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